Fuzzy Mode

Fuzzy mode is exclusive to our Premium Plan.

Already Premium? Type /settings fuzzy set-state fuzzy-state:enable to enable this feature!

When fuzzy mode is enabled, it converts all unusual Unicode characters to their corresponding normal letter lookalikes and then runs that against the filters.

For example, "P̵̻̅ã̷͊s̸̍̐c̴͛̾a̵̚͝l̶̃̔" would be detected as "Pascal".

If "Pascal" is in your blocklist, it would be automatically banned. If not, no action would be taken.

This feature is great for catching bad actors without having to generate numerous new keywords to match all the different possible Unicode combinations.

Tip: Run /cleanse after enabling this option to catch any bad actors that might still be hiding!

Be sure to enable Fuzzy Mode to catch all the non Unicode characters

Last updated